Review: The Calling

The Calling, a Science Fiction Western Tabletop Role-Playing Game by Ohad Reiter What’s the old saying?  “Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated”?  It feels like it’s been an eternity since we’ve written here.  Life happened.  School and job hunting and our Patreon and streaming and conventions and more job hunting since Josh lost … Continue reading Review: The Calling

Review: Mindjammer (FATE Core Edition)

Mindjammer, by Sarah Newton of Mindjammer Press, distributed by Mōdiphiϋs Entertainment Today, we’re going to take a look at one of the more impressive books that we have on our shelves.  It’s no secret that Joann and I love science fiction.  It was where we first turned our eyes to when we started writing material … Continue reading Review: Mindjammer (FATE Core Edition)

Review: Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter, by Guy Sclanders One of the great things about reviewing so many games, especially ones outside of our normal cadre of games on standby to play is the exposure to different ideas.  I remember the excitement of being exposed to Numenera (and the Cypher System) with its freeing look at Game Mastering and … Continue reading Review: Bounty Hunter

Review: Scum and Villainy

Scum and Villainy by Stras Acimovic & John Leboeuf-Little of Off Guard Games Most of the time, doing product reviews isn’t all that difficult.  I tend to see our job as being the faithful recorder.  Here is what this product is.  Here is what it seems to be trying to accomplish.  Based on extensive experience … Continue reading Review: Scum and Villainy

Review: Stranded

Stranded, a Science Fiction Roleplaying Game by J. Lasarde of Feral Gamers Inc. Stranded was recently released on DriveThruRPG and we picked up a copy to review.  Plus, you know, space.  We like space.  First up, the technical details. This was produced by J. Lasarde of Feral Gamers Inc.  They have a whole bunch of … Continue reading Review: Stranded