
Review: NewEdo

Joann and I have made no secret about our interest in new tabletop roleplaying games, both new to us in system or mechanics or new to us in setting and genre. We’ve also described many times and in many different forums how we initially met as a result of her posting and my looking for…

2024 Preview

We’re settling into our new house in New York and things are getting set back up. If you look in the Discord server events, you’ll see the next five streams we have scheduled. January is going to see the wrap up of our several years Invisible Sun campaign and I’m excited to share that with…

Review: The Calling

What’s the old saying?  “Rumors of our death have been greatly exaggerated”?  It feels like it’s been an eternity since we’ve written here.  Life happened.  School and job hunting and our Patreon and streaming and conventions and more job hunting since Josh lost his job too… And it’s still coming at us, but I wanted…

It’s Been a Hot Minute…

Our friends from the Citadel. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you here. In case you thought we abandoned this Blog… we didn’t. We’ve just been focusing on live-streaming stuff and, well, life got in the way toward the end of last year. Joann went to school for three months, and I got sick…

Review: The Origin

If you’ve followed our blog here, or our Twitch streams, or know us personally in a Tabletop Roleplaying Game context, you’ll know that while I will play basically anything (especially if my wife is running it – She’s my favorite GM), I freely admit that superhero games really aren’t my bag.  For the most part,…


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